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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Modi is in the weird place of being an elected authoritarian, and so he uses that one foot in both worlds-ness to try and be the diplomatic pivot between those spheres.

    The problem, is that Modi is a terrible diplomat, and people come to India not because of his talents, but because India is a sleeping economic giant that could pop off at any instant depending on how their government and society shakes out. Keep in mind that India is still a very much under construction country. India being a collection of colonies and princedoms us still in living memory, and even if it wasn’t, America almost a quarter of a millenia old and even then it is an under construction state and society.

  • You could very easily build the system to perform the age check without logging it to the user’s ID since the check only needs to be performed once to create an account and just block anyone without one from seeing any of the content.

    Estonia has digital ID based services and they aren’t China. In fact China despises them because they’ve made the cutting edge in digital public services without having to compromise citizen privacy, which makes China look even worse for going out of their way to invade citizen privacy when it isn’t even necessary to offer the same safety measures and services.

  • Or maybe it’s because of all that food aid distribution that the US knows in particular why this is such a “free unicorn” move?

    Where’s China’s matching contributions to food aid with all that just as good farm land that they’re able to harvest twice a year?

    That’s the political bullshit getting in the way of this being anything but a free unicorn, the only country that gives as much to food aid as America is Ireland, and that’s because of a national trauma they’re still recovering from.

    Right now major world powers are doing more to block food aid or even just regular food commerce, because that means Ukraine gets to have working ports and Russia no likey.

    Get the fuck off your high horse about the one country that is already doing a lot because you don’t like them being a dick about calling out how everyone else either isn’t doing anything at all or actively making the problem worse for geopolitical goals.

  • Which is actually why the US voted against it basically it was to lodge a complaint against wasting UN resources on unenforceable feel good actions that don’t actually change anything.

    Everyone being pissy and suggesting this is some moral reflection against America are basically the equivalent of people calling the one guy who voted against everyone getting free unicorns a party pooper because “even if we can’t actually do it why do ya gotta go against the vibe man‽”