• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • A year ago, the Colorado legislature put new restrictions on the use of reunification therapy. The new law barred courts from restricting the custody of a parent who is competent, protective and not abusive solely to improve a relationship with the other parent. It prohibits reunification treatment that is predicated on cutting off the relationship between a child and a protective parent the child has a bond with.

    State lawmakers acted after The Denver Gazette published investigations into Colorado’s troubled family court system, which has been plagued by accusations of bias, usually from mothers who say they are punished and can have their parenting time restricted during divorces when they seek to protect their children from abusive fathers.

    During one troubled two-month stretch, four children were murdered in December 2022 and January 2023 by a parent embroiled in a high-conflict court custody battle. Police classified all four deaths as murder-suicides, in which fathers killed their children and then themselves.

    Sounds like, even besides her own eye-witness accounts, she has good reason to be concerned. He already tried to kill his son once, and the son is probably going to testify in the child molestation case against him. This case, and reunification therapy, seem really fucked up.

  • I agree wit both of you - Trump talked a good game for people with little education, presented himself as an “outsider who would drain the swamp” of politicians they have learned to distrust, he “said what he meant” (aka insults and bigotry), and was a “self-made millionaire” (something they all aspire to and believe they could be someday). It was a good grift for the population he targeted, as the original commenter said, angry at industry leaving their towns, angry at politicians not helping. You know what PT Barnum said: “There is a fool born every minute”. He said a lot of other applicable things too because he was a successful con man, just like Trump.

  • “Let’s say I was the governor, I had a willing legislature, we could pass a bill saying you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason,” he says in one clip. In another, Robinson says, “For me there is no compromise on abortion, it makes no difference to me why or how that child ended up in that womb.” Elsewhere, he says: “Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing a child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down.”

    He said that “if I’m a person who is seen as an individual who’s standing on a stage pointing down at a young woman saying, ‘You can’t have an abortion,’ that is not the right approach.” Instead, he said, “The right approach is to come down off the stage, embrace that young woman, and tell them about the reasons why I believe she should choose life, and then ultimately leaving it up to her based on the laws that we have on the books. That’s the reason why we put that commercial out, and the reason why I was willing to do it. Because we feel like that this is an issue of the heart. And if we’re going to ‘win on this issue,’ we’re going to win people over on this issue, we’ve got to show people that we care. Because we’ve got to show them how deeply it affects people.”

    How can I trust that you’ve changed your view and not just your campaign strategy? Because this dude has previously stated he wants no abortion for any reason. Watch out for the wolf in sheep’s clothing!