We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It’s wild how different the refueling process is between our countries. Paying at the pump was trialed here about 10 years ago, but next to nobody used it. We just rock up to the servo, pump our fuel, then walk inside to pay. I can’t see it changing anytime soon. Some rural, more crime-ridden areas require pre-pay, as well as a few locations in urban areas between 11pm and 5am, but even then, you still walk inside or up to a window on the actual building to pay.

  • Happy I stuck with my older Samsung dumb TV. Great screen, decent size, flat enough to mount on a wall, and does everything I need it to do regarding hooking up my little i5/8GB baby office PC turned media hub. I don’t care that it’s only 1080p, looks just fine when I’m in bed and watching movies on it. Even when smart devices were first becoming THE thing to have, the idea of having to download updates for my TV got me thinking about the more nefarious aspects of such tech the future may hold.

    I think a lot of it comes down to me just not being very materialistic, or needing my household devices to be internet ready with installed apps and no way of managing permissions or data harvesting. Even my cars are older, and were made well before integrated SIM cards and constant data collection, and I’ve no plans to upgrade any time soon. I guess I just never ‘got’ the appeal of having a smart device that wasn’t just my phone (and even then, I barely use any apps on my phone outside a web browser (which eliminates the need for most apps anyway) and the camera.)

  • Honestly, sometimes you just need an auto loan to get out of the “stuck in an unreliable shitbox that leaves me stranded at random every other week and the AC doesn’t work and it looks like shit and fuck this I want something nicer” hole.

    I bought a nice new (ish) car about 8 years ago, and 350,000km later, it’s still nice, still reliable, and I still enjoy driving it. Hell, it got me out of the shitty little town I was stuck living in, because I could finally trust my vehicle to go further than an hour from home (being Australian, leaving for any interstate city is at the very least an 8 hour drive, unless you live in Perth, then it becomes a 30 hour drive.) I don’t regret getting a car loan for even a second.

    In saying that… I’d never go for another loan unless I absolutely had to. I’ll drive this car into the ground before I get another one.