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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2024

  • When I did some reading on this subject in the past what I came across was that there is a difference between washed poppy seeds an unwashed poppy seeds which Is exactly as it sounds. Unwashed poppy seeds have a higher opiate content due to a thin coating on the outside that they likely picked up while still inside the seed pod. That seed pod is the primary source of opium. So, basically It can boil down to what company the poppy seeds were sourced from and whether or not they had been rinsed off with water prior to hitting the market.

  • When I first transitioned away from Windows. Linux was admittedly a little less stable and reliable but unlike windows, there was a well documented solution pathway to almost every Linux problem I encountered, whereas Windows solutions always amounted to recommending uninstalling/reinstalling hardware in the Device Manager and rebooting the computer. I remember a few times that windows updates completely crashed my install and I had to roll-back to an earlier version or even do a repair/reinstall from disc -The documented Windows solutions (aside from the reinstall) rarely worked. Now it’s 20 years later and I rarely have reliability issues with Linux aside from my one hardware failure -but that’s not a Linux-specific issue.

  • Basic economics dictates that recycling plastic isn’t profitable otherwise industry would be doing it, itself. –That doesn’t make it a scam. It’s more like bad marketing.

    Some of it will be truly recycled like with hdpe. Some will be used more conscientiously by being sent for plasma gasification. Lots of it will still get sent to the landfill, but that’s better then sending all of it. Something rarely mentioned is that most plastics become less stable each time they’re melted down, making them increasingly difficult to recycle.

    It’s believed that ~75% of all Aluminium that has ever been produced is still in use because it’s economically more viable to recycle old aluminum than refine new. Alumium refinement is a highly energy intensive process.

  • I admit I’m biased towards C-languages out of sheer personal preference and limited exposure to Rust but I am wondering, are there any major technical barriers to Rust replacing these languages in it’s current form anymore?

    I know there has been a lot of movement towards supporting Rust in the last 6 years since I’ve become aware of it, but I also get flashbacks from the the early 00’s when I would hear about how Java was destined to replace C++, and the early 2010’s when Python was destined to replace everything only to realize that the hype fundamentally misunderstood the use case limitations of the various languages.