This his home so hard. My pups just marched into the living room to demand dinner. My cattle dog was straight up knocking the controller out of my hand. (if you have a cattle dog you understand my pain)
This his home so hard. My pups just marched into the living room to demand dinner. My cattle dog was straight up knocking the controller out of my hand. (if you have a cattle dog you understand my pain)
We should nationalize Boeing
I wish. But only like two people in the whole of democratic party leadership would ever get in the way of money making… Plus federal laws
It’s more like… “Women are nieve and inherently incapable of making big pictures decisions.” Because histaria or the Bible said so, or something.
They should Cancel out their relationship as well. If your partner is willing to vote away your rights gleefully and you stay with them?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Look what they did in Texas. Something like thousands of people died because Texas decided to remove millions of people off Medicare for no reason other than to be evil. Add in roe v wade and it’s literally a death trap of a state. Hospitals are firing staff because most have seen a 30% drop in revenue because millions of people now don’t have insurance and women aren’t able to get life saving treatment until they are literally having organ failure.
Because Texas is literally threatening their lives for giving the right diagnosis. Its a lose lose situation for everyone involved. So hospitals, doctors and nurses are taking the lessor evil by letting individual woman die. The alternative is death penalty and the hospital being heavily fined or closed. The Texas AG publicly said he would go after anyone in Texas that provides an abortion.
It was the politicians in Texas that harmed this woman. Not the hospital. The Texas AG sent letters to every hospital in Texas saying he would press criminal charges to anyone granting an emergency abortion. As hard as it is for poor and middle class workers, there’s no way any nurse doctor or hospital is going to put themselves in front of the Texas government. If they could they would have left the state already. (many have.) Small towns in forced birth States literally have no pregnancy care facilities because the staff has all left.
It’s almost as if churches are the most dangerous place for children. And since they want Bible’s and the ten commandments in schools, I want the whole Encyclopedia Britannica and a poster for child abuse hotline in every church.
The Bible stopped being a real guide for American Christians the moment they landed on our coast
Ya it’ll be a cold day in hell before Instagram requires men to hide their nipples. Just shows how ingrained America’s views on sex, sexuality and gender are in Christianity.
We should nationalize Boeing
Did you read the article?
Hmmmmm it’s like the religious right nut jobs don’t trust science and doctors.
Yes they should have but didn’t because of a vague law that does not lay out exactly when the mothers life is in danger. Does she have to be in pain? Conscious? Bleeding? Irregular heartbeat? Does the fetus have to viable? The law does not allow for interpretation so hospitals literally have to wait until the women is in cardiac arrest to act. So yes if this women was in any normal state with normal defined laws that don’t restrict how doctors decide what their patients need. So yes they should have acted but couldn’t.
Notice how that law is vague on the medical emergency aspects. When exactly is a women with an nonviable pregnancy a danger to the mother?
Ya we’re essentially their servants.