Rose Thorne(She/Her)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • The story is trope-y as all hell, but it definitely aims at hitting the “all ages” market, and doesn’t shy away from stepping into some heavier territory, though it’s handled in a way that kids get the “this is bad” message. Very much relies on “the power of friendship beats anything” framework.

    The gameplay is fairly fun, but definitely play the updated versions. The original controls feel clunky compared to modern games.

    Getting the entire story to this point involves sitting through a few “movies”(cutscenes stitched together, but officially done), as some of the games haven’t been remastered and are still locked to old hardware, or in the case of one game, was being taken offline.

  • The sequel has the better story, but Imma be honest, I don’t think WD1 was hard to beat there. It had some genuinely memorable moments, but there was some jank bolting over with the changes to Aiden, in my opinion.

    WD2 is worth it if you enjoyed 1. It definitely shows some of the later Ghost Recon bones in there, but they work pretty well within the context of the world, and the cast is actually pretty fun. It felt like they took a more relaxed approach from the outset, and it fares better for it.

  • That comes into an argument of lightsaber assembly.

    Some wielders prefer to overcharge their saber, while others use unstable Kyber crystals. While it makes for a much more powerful blade, any damage to the hilt makes it even riskier than a standard saber due to the sheer energy output. Hell, it can start breaking itself apart if not built correctly.

    IIRC, in the pre-Disney EU days, there were wielders who still carried around modified power packs, so they could give their saber an extra boost if needed.

    That’s not even taking in the other ways they have been used, like a rifle that uses them as the ammunition. All the power of a focused beam of plasma launched from a snipers perch with pinpoint accuracy.