Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Yeah, you’re right. Tbh I’d rather if they were gone so they don’t have a chance to escape and rejoin the real world, but there just isn’t a great solution to the problem that doesn’t end up with others suffering in some way. The people who do this kinda shit either A) do it knowing they’ll eventually get caught and believe the risk is worth the reward, or B) they’re so disconnected from reality that nothing can deter them from following whatever fucked up thoughts pop into their heads. A) knows exactly what they’re doing and are doing it anyway, while B) is basically an animal with human intelligence at that point. You ain’t stopping either one of them.

  • The wife/stepmother should be in prison too as it sounds like she helped him cover it up.

    According to the lawsuit, the father’s uncle Kevin Montgomery contacted the agency to tell them Harmony had a “vibrant” black eye after she was “punched clear in the eye socket with full force” and that Adam had told him he’d “bounced her off” every wall in the house.

    Imagine being related to that piece of shit, seeing how horrible of a person he is, and being forced to watch him destroy a child’s life while the government refuses to do anything. I’m amazed the father isn’t dead. Being sentenced to prison or executed is too merciful. He should be tied up in public and subjected to a constant, high but non-lethal electric current until he dies of dehydration.

    Edit: this is less about revenge and more about how I’m very low on empathy and patience for the shit heads of the world right now; and I’m extremely tired of them and wondering what it’d take to make them shut up and go away.

  • You know, he could have gone down in history as the angry meme man who told people they were fired on TV; and his crimes and shitty personality would have likely gone overlooked until after his death. Instead, he ran for president and this is how everyone is going to remember him. Incoherent, rambling, unstable, stupid, out of control, and demented; all while being regularly trotted out in front of the media by his own party like he’s some kind of show animal.

    I don’t feel pity for him, but I can’t help but be amused at how he didn’t just shoot his legacy in the foot, he blew it up with a grenade.