• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Phone wouldn’t work for me, I’ve got a strict no phone around the TV rule for myself because I’m way too tempted to just use it instead of enjoying the thing I’m watching. Also wouldn’t really want to put an Xbox controller onto my wife or step mother.

    I wish there was some kind of application you could run that would abstract all the mouse and keyboard interactions into a remote control friendly interface.

  • That all comes up in the article. The core idea the author is getting at is the general ease of fabricated situations is coming in a new way that previously hasn’t been a couple clicks for the average user. Think less about political turmoil (propaganda has existed as long as there as been politics) and more about how your Karen aunt can add a worm to their Google review for spaghetti. Most people won’t learn Photoshop, most people can click a few buttons.

    I think it’s still important to consider the tomorrow we’re being thrust into even if we could do this on a smaller scale yesterday.