Oops, said the quiet part out loud again.
Oops, said the quiet part out loud again.
I knew this year’s awards were a joke the second I saw Starfield nominated for (and subsequently winning) ‘most innovative gameplay.’
Reminds me of a friend who plays with two custom spells on quickslots the first chance he gets to make them. The first he calls “JUMP GOD” and the second is “I HATE FALL DAMAGE” with 2-300 points in jump for 1s and a couple seconds of feather fall, respectively.
Who needs fast travel?
…Is the ‘harsh wake-up call’ that they need to look for a better employer? Asking for your employees to push themselves harder is what we in the business call “Whining.”
It’s worth noting that “Encounter” doesn’t necessarily mean “Combat,” but the 6-8 encounter day is definitely bullshit. I think that framework is held over from very early releases, and if you want an idea of what a 6-8 encounter day would actually play like, Tyranny of Dragons’ “Flames over Greennest” module pushes players to exhaustion with that many encounters before a punishing boss fight that you’re intended to lose, and it’s definitely not fun, especially because those caster classes just do not have the slots to spare at level 1.
It’s clear how SR/LR resources evolved from daily/encounter powers in 4e, and that was a much more elegant way of handling resource expenditure, even if it did make all the classes play kind of the same.
Yeah, they got super lazy with magic item economy in 5e and justified it by saying “you can play this game without the expectation of magic items!” Like bullshit, you just didn’t want to deal with the hassle of pricing items correctly to the point that there are items in lower tiers that are functionally the same or better than items in higher tiers. (Ring of warmth vs ring of resistance is an egregious example, but if you look hard enough you’ll find more.)
Almost as dumb as Nintendo patenting the concept of a sanity meter and then not fucking doing anything with it since Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem.
I was going to make a crack about them inventing a time machine to get Big Macs from like 20 years ago, but I actually kind of wish they’d bring back the angus 1/3rd pounder, those burgers were great.
Seconded by Terry Davis
Slowly turning into a Life in Hell strip
Hello there
Oh thank god, I was worried brows would continue to remain unfurrowed.
“Please, Trump, stop winning.”
Astounding that he actually managed to deliver on that promise.