Now apply that to AI generated political content. It’s a fucking mess
Now apply that to AI generated political content. It’s a fucking mess
That was so yesterday. Haven’t you heard!? He’s eating the children!!!
She could always take the kids?
Wait, do you think the venue wants sympathy?
I think we kind of said the same thing.
Probably just whipped up some thermite.
Hooliganism is a weird way to say religious bullshit.
Legal. Probably why they used that term.
It kind of sucks that out of 50 states only a few “matter”. It also seems to be that every election year now there is at least one state that doesn’t have their shit together and we have to wait a week for results.
If the article linked the original at the very top as this one does then yeah because then I could easily go to the source to verify, or just read the source only if I choose.
Not everyone on the Internet is American and the original is linked. Do you just need something to complain about?
Shit article without a single picture of the “mysterious” statues.
You want to throw money in his face? Weird.
What I think doesn’t matter. I’d like to actually see the whole video though. Then I nor you would need to hypothesize about it either.
Hey, you guys hear that? Mr. Grab em by the pussy is also Mr. Traditional Values.
I’m glad you make it easy to know who to block.
I’d rather just everyone be professional and I never have to know what they think politically. If only…
Is there video that actually shows it “keeps going”? The way that video loops I know I can’t tell what happens immediately after.
People argue that Internet should be treated as a utility because it’s required so I’m not sure removing the Internet would really work.