I never understood why he would say that to begin with. It’s not like his brand of comedy was ever particularly edgy. Obviously the “people are too sensitive these days” thing is stupid, but it felt extra strange coming from him.
I never understood why he would say that to begin with. It’s not like his brand of comedy was ever particularly edgy. Obviously the “people are too sensitive these days” thing is stupid, but it felt extra strange coming from him.
But in the end it has to be this way
!Mufasa dies at around the midway point!<
I didn’t even realize that they didn’t specify gaming companies until you pointed that out. In that case I wouldn’t even put Nintendo in the top 50.
We have not once encountered a corporate shitstain as aggressive as them.
Are you kidding? You can’t think of a single company in the modern games industry worse than Nintendo? Do EA, Ubisoft, and Activision Blizzard not exist in your reality? What did they do in your eyes that makes them worse than sex abusers and slave drivers?
Good thing happens:
Lemmy: Yeah but lawsuits am I right?
Can’t you people be happy for one goddamn second?
Good riddance.
Are you referring to The Legend of Rah and the Muggles? That was found to be bullshit the second people read the book. It’s an extremely weird story about nuclear fallout, talking animals, and a shit ton of meandering filler. The only similarity was use of the word “muggle”, which doesn’t even mean the same thing in both stories. JK may be a TERF now, but she is not a plagiarist.
He’ll always be an incel in spirit
Don’t bring my favorite song into this.
Ever see a dog or cat run across the room super fast for no reason? Zoomies.
The sign on the right goes hard.
What the fuck did Mexico do?
He could of just doubled the resources or rewritten reality so that they were no longer required. I was disappointed that neither movie even attempted to address this.
Ten thousand premeditated murders via deliberate inaction is not balanced out by a million visas granted. The severity of the crime gives it more weight. A life extinguished does not equal a life improved somewhat.
He also ignored the AIDS epidemic on purpose, leaving thousands to die simply because he didn’t like gay people.
Why the fuck would any artistic person (read: the people who buy Adobe products) want to train something you threaten to replace them with? That’s the most idiotic marketing strategy I’ve ever seen!