Historically (dating back to the 1600s) it could also be used for tithing or taxing one tenth of an amount too. Are you executing their money?
Nerd; Board, Card, Pencil & Paper Gamer; Avid Reader; to find me in other places: https://lnk.bio/JaymesRS
Historically (dating back to the 1600s) it could also be used for tithing or taxing one tenth of an amount too. Are you executing their money?
![https://media1.giphy.com/media/vO43NDjeQPaQo/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe91dls2uphre6knaki1w9xgjsppo46n0b1wio6c2ssf&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g](Neil from “White Collar” loves it when we’re on the same page.)
I don’t imagine they thought that this would literally decimate their subscriber base.*
Not even just that, if this decision had been made last January, this wouldn’t be news, but the fact that it was made in the last few days in the run up to the election means that no matter how altruistic their decision was, it’s gonna be viewed in the light of the current moment.
Their subscriber numbers have been absolutely decimated by Bezos’ decision.
They have become so obsessed with triggering people for reactions they eventually forgot what a joke actually is.
Gene Hackman is definitely still alive of the more prominent cast. There’s also some of the bit actors like the med school students that are still alive.
Uncertain beyond the attribution on the gif. I just searched walking tripod. The link above is the original source I got it from.
Computer engineers maybe. Don’t know too many civil engineers that deal with base 8.
Phoenix attorney Paul Weich told The Republic he was running as a Democrat for state representative in Legislative District 12 in 2022 when he had a run-in with Kelly. Prompted by several hundred dollars’ worth of his campaign signs going missing in June 2022, Weich hired an investigator who he said found surveillance video catching Kelly in the act.
Despite evidence pointing to Kelly as the perpetrator, Weich said law enforcement did not move to arrest him. Weich said that Phoenix police feared that approaching Kelly would pose a threat to their safety. A prosecutor out of the Phoenix City Attorney’s Office declined to pursue charges, Weich said.
The pictures are making their way to meme generator sites. https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/556562065/Trump-working-at-McDonalds
Someone else I just read compared this to a make-a-wish® activity.
I think that scent is his adult diapers, actually.
One specific franchise location and they were closed to customers during the visit with the staged customers all vetted by USSS and having gone through a rehearsal ahead of time to practice what they were going to do.
I know a few physicians who have already been seeing it in their practice.
Added to the list of “it would been big deal in the news if discovered happening in secret, but is ignored because trump announces it out loud”
Is accepting someone’s support with literally nothing in trade really “catering to” though?