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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023


  • It’s also possible to be a person who genuinely cares about classic art and the environment already. And it’s also possible to be a poor person with little to no power to influence the fossil fuel industry. Chiding people for not having the privilege of free time and minimal obligations to protest isn’t very productive. Again, change needs to happen at the top and it’s not going to be achieved through appeals to emotion or coercion via symbolic or actual threats to famous art or sites.

  • I will not be fair, the publication isn’t. Why should I?

    Because arguing dishonestly makes you look irrational and does their propaganda work for them.

    but you are more likely to try to distance yourself from fossil fuel reform movements, and that’s all they need you to do to be successful.

    Not really. This isn’t an effective form of protest or reform. Stunts like this allow articles like this to be written in the first place, but the stunts, even if written of with the highest of praise, are useless. Effective action would involve changing the minds of those who profit from fossil fuels the most and making it unprofitable for them to continue. You don’t need to convince people who care about world heritage sites or famous artwork. You need to convince the profiteers of industry and that won’t come from an appeal to emotion but from a threat to their financial well-being.

  • Yeah, there are so many movies based on media with a deeper and richer source material than can be presented well in a 2-hour movie format. For example, the Ender’s Game novel spent a significant amount of time on the progression of Ender’s career at the Battle School and the movie only spent as much time as was necessary to show that he was good. A TV series could tell the parallel story of Ender’s Shadow as well in the same season.

    A counterexample is that sometimes the TV series may over milk the source material and drag out which should be a shorter story. The first season of American Gods was awesome, but they kept dragging out the series way too much by stretching out the stories of minor characters and fumbled in the end.

  • HenchmanNumber3@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldMommy's Choice
    8 months ago

    About 90% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, well before the fetus could even look like a post-birth baby like the one depicted in the meme. This is a common tactic of anti-choicers to depict abortion as being performed on fully formed and almost born fetuses. They try to use edge cases to argue against unrelated and more common experiences. Fetuses aren’t conscious or sentient or viable when most abortions are performed. Don’t let them get away with disingenuously conflating those concepts and milestones.