Gentle nerd freak of the pacific northwest. All nation states are vermin.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2024


  • I’ve been shocked by the amount of pushback I get when I talk about compulsory voting. I suspect it has less to do with freedom and more to do with how classist US society is.

    Many people here seem to have internalized the idea that it’s better for the country if ‘apathetic’ and ‘stupid’ people don’t vote. Of course the bulk of non voters are working people, the poor and those who benefit most from an increased voice in society.

  • per 538, the last two polls of “adults” (not likely voters or registered voters) showed trump support around 40%

    This feels to me like the best metric to judge ‘right wing’ by.

    Voting for right wingers or being a Republican is not quite the same as being right wing - many people register and vote strategically. My grandparents in Alaska were left wingers who knew Democrats didn’t stand a chance. I’m sure there are plenty of right wingers registered as Dems here in the PNW. Voting can also be about identity more than ideals - I’ve known Republicans who have mostly leftish ideals as long as you don’t call them that.

    But saying you personally support trump feels more unambiguously right wing to me. I’ve heard plenty of polls over the years putting trump’s support at around 30-40%, so 40% right wing sounds believable to me.

  • Almost half the country is right wing

    Where are you getting that stat?

    Of voters, almost half are registered or leaning Republicans.

    In 2020, only 22% of the country voted for trump, the most right wing 2 party candidate in the modern era.

    When you ask about specific policies that are seen as left or right wing, left wing policies poll much higher than dem votes at elections.

    The reason Democrat leadership keeps tacking right has less to do with Americans and more to do with money and support from key centers of power. Dems stay right because US aristocrats and large interests skew righter than Americans. The money would dry up if their policies matched what Americans want.

  • I wonder how much of this stuff is open-eyed lying and how much is an instinctual identity defense mechanism. There’s definitely a lot of both going on.

    The cult of personality around trump makes his perceived power and competence one of the most important parts of the identity of his followers. Trump being a pathetic incompetent loser is a threat to their entire perception of reality. Believing one more gross improbability is just less stressful to a human brain than demolishing your worldview and starting again. In this way, even trump’s supporters number among his many victims.