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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This should be a wake up call to the DNC brass and to people on social media who have been blindly claiming that Republican voters are only rich white old men.

    Not only is that stereotype simply not accurate, but this endless and insufferable focus from the Left of only chasing social issues is turning off a whole bunch of regular folks out there. Instead of championing causes that can help literally millions of people out there, time and time again the Left is worrying about bullshit like pronouns and drag queens. Dems are constantly assuming that just because someone is br9wn or black that they will agree with core Democratic party policies. The reality is that there are many folks from minority ethnic groups who are conservative or moderate and they see the Dems wasting all their time and effort on these fringe groups.

  • If these drugs help people then fantastic, but I find it infuriating how little press the dangers of sugar gets.

    We are finally waking up to the fact that fat in foods was never the cause of people getting fat. Terrible studies decades ago created a whole generation that shunned (or at least tried to shun) fatty foods, but never looked at the danger that sugar and carbs are to our health. Billions were wasted on chemicals and drugs that reduced the fat in processed foods that ultimately did very little in helping folks lose weight. Sugar, which is seemingly in everything we eat, on the other hand, has rarely been accused to being the cause for people’s weight problems. At least until fairly recently. Now the tide is turning and there are certain diets (such as keto) which finally show that cutting carbs and sugar can get results.

    If these new drugs listed in the article can produce similar or better results with little consequences then fantastic. But sometimes cutting something out, it better than adding more drugs into one’s diet.

  • desktop Linux is totally viable

    I think this shows the opposite.

    If a FREE option that claims to be more efficient/faster (but usually isn’t in real life) is less than 2% of the market, something is wrong. Very, very wrong. Since when do people turn down free stuff, unless that free item is that bad?