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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • Oh, my criticism wasn’t of you, but of the person who replied to you with a load of nonsense. People tend to ignore/simplify/skew the history to fit their agenda (or are too lazy to make the kind of effort you are to understand), so it’s good to look at the actual documented history.

    As for the Hagia Sophia comparison, I can see where you’re coming from, but this is all on a much bigger scale, which by default makes it much more complicated t figure out. But the first step is wanting to know, and you’re there, so good job!

  • a functioning government

    Tell me you know nothing about Israeli politics without saying you know nothing about Israeli politics (the country is run by a bunch of literal criminals. Do they care about the Palestinians? No. But do they care about the Israelis who aren’t directly related to them, and even then not always? Also no. If someone told you “Israel the only democracy in the middle east” you’d call bullshit, and you’d be right, so don’t pull out a “functioning government” when it’s convenient. they are run by fascists, standing up to those in power is becoming harder and harder, just look at the last few elections and the reactions to protests)