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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • The forests wouldn’t exist were it not for pre-colonial salmon numbers. Their rotting carcasses are responsible for almost a quarter of the nitrogen in all the soil in the British Columbian and Tlingit forests (that goes up to 70% in riparian zones). The environmental impact of dams is no more forests as they die of malnutrition. So in a way you’re right, no more forest fires if there’s no forest. We can do better than dams and MUST do better than dams.

  • Minor mitigations at best. Those environmental impact studies aren’t about finding a way to cause no interruption to nature, they are about acceptable losses determined by pro-dam lobbyists if any regulations exist at all. But these are the exact kind of laws both Democrats and Republicans have been gutting for decades in favour of small government.

    Turning a river into a lake is not good for river dependant life. Blocking half of it behind a wall is terrible. Fish ladders are not a replacement for open river, it will only save an “acceptable” fraction of some species like salmon, not allow full passage of all life in the ecosystem.

  • This is not a mental illness. That’s the Fox News scapegoat, not an actual reason. This is just complete ignorance of gun danger in a country that celebrates giving out firearms like candy without any kind of training or licensing requirements. This is a dangerous lack of gun laws and an ignorant gun owner. Here in Canada, we have lots of guns but a far lower rate of accidents and murders. Pistols are restricted, which means the only places you’re allowed to ever have a pistol is locked in your home, at the gun range, or at the gunsmith, or locked in truck on a direct route between those locations. You aren’t allowed to keep ammo in the same container as the gun, never mind keeping one actually loaded. You know all of this because you had to take a safety course and pass a written and practical exam before you are allowed to own even a .22. The restricted license is yet another course and set of exams.

    This is the fault of the laws of the land and the mother’s ignorance. Don’t bring mental illness into it, that’s ablist bullshit.

  • Anyone who thinks he didn’t fire with the intention to kill Fajo needs to go back to English class and learn how to read some basic literature. It’s like the end of the Sopranos. People’s wishes for happy endings and perfect Hollywood stories blind then to the work the writers went through to tell you (rather obviously, there isn’t much room for debate among people who know how to interpret stories) that yes, Data can kill an unarmed man in the right circumstances, or yes, Tony Soprano’s brains are splattered all over his family. It’s not a happier story but it’s a better one with actual meaning and has a more lasting impact.

  • So if you miss a payment your mouse shuts off?

    How is your standing policed, with an always online requirement? So if I move and need to wait to get my internet up, I can’t use my mouse?

    Are they legally liable for lifetime support or are you signing away that right in the EULA and they can end support for your “lifetime” mouse on a whim?

    I’d rather rent my furniture than subscribe to a mouse, but both practices are exploiting this world’s rampant financial illiteracy.