• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I don’t know where you live to think that, and all the people who upvote you??? For sure these work conditions would not be neither legal nor accepted in Scandinavian countries, and I’m pretty sure they aren’t legal in EU.

    Both the surveillance and bathroom conditions would be reason for blockades of the company.

    AFAIK Tesla is still under boycott by the Swedish unions, and that was supported by unions in Denmark too.
    It’s very expensive for companies to behave like that in Scandinavian countries, and doubtless also other EU countries.

  • These jobs sound very dystopian to me,

    Absolutely, this too from the article:

    “Why didn’t you make any changes to the software program for 15 minutes?” You could basically get fired for spending too long in the bathroom.

    This is absolutely a hell hole of a job, they 100% need a union.
    Also this actively undermines quality in what they do, a requirement to make changes, may make people make changes that aren’t needed, and even possibly changes that can be detrimental to the function.

  • schizophrenia

    I’m not a psychiatrist, but I talked with one about what looks like this AFAIK, if I understood correctly, he called it lose associations, associating things all over the place disregarding their lack of relevance.

    Of course just exhibiting one symptom, doesn’t mean he is schizophrenic.

    I think Trump does show some ADHD like behavior too, again I’m not a professional, but I think the problem for people with ADHD is that they forget where they came from, and Trump does seem to be able to get back to that.

    But for sure, this is not a normal way to present your views. Except for a small child maybe, which fits the toddler label often associated with Trumps behavior.

    So my best guess is that Trump is mentally like a child for whatever reason (Dementia most likely). Obviously besides being a malignant narcissist and pathological liar.

  • Considering they already openly support Putin, is it really that far to sympathize with Hitler and Nazism too?
    I mean isn’t the Nazism part pretty obvious by now.
    I just wonder how it happened that USA fell so deep that it became alright among half the population to be a Nazi and a traitor?
    Although FOX news has been extreme for years, I’m still a bit surprised they’ve became THAT extreme! And so far removed from traditional American values of democracy.

  • he was as a good a CEO choice as they could have made.

    I’m not so sure, with the scandals of crashing Intel CPU’s we have now, both their CPU line and their production is getting extremely poor PR.
    I suspect Gelsinger pushed unfinished products, because he is desperate for results, and now Intel seems worse off than when he took over reputation wise. Gelsinger is losing both money and PR value on 2 fronts for Intel now.

    Intel used to have a pretty stellar reputation for reliability, especially in the server market. It seems to me they have little left to build on now.