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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • Firewire was good for high bandwidth devices like external hard drives and video cameras because it didn’t require the CPU to do any heavy lifting. These days USB is mature enough and CPUs are so fast that we (mostly) don’t notice any performance impact but in the Core 2 Duo days you could easily max out one of your two cores with a large file transfer over USB.

  • Can’t you simply not connect your display to the Internet

    Probably, but maybe not. I can think of three ways a Smart TV could potentially get internet access without the owners knowledge.

    1. Amazon Sidewalk
    2. The TV Manufacturer cuts a deal to access the closed WiFi network that many cable operators have on their cable modems or routers.
    3. Via the manufacturers app installed on a smart phone. They often use the app to make setup easier and / or to cast content. There’s no reason the TV can’t log data until the app connects and then use the app to transmit that data to the manufacturer.

    So while the owner could choose not to give their Smart TV a wifi connection that doesn’t mean the TV can’t get one another way.

  • for some considerable time now, russian close air support stays well outside of ukrainian surface to air missiles range by using glide bombs to deliver bombs to the frontline.

    The F-16s can solve this. The range of even the older AIM-120C AMRAAM exceeds that of the Russian glide bombs by 30 to 60 kilometers. The D variant, and I have seen Ukrainian F-16s with this loaded, has a range of 180 kilometers. That’s enough to knock a Russian aircraft out of the sky long before they can use a glide bomb.

    The US has said they will be providing Ukraine with the 120D and Raytheon is maxxing out production of them.

    III. russian jets flying air defense sorties will have to be stationed at further airbases.

    The JASSM will push them back hundreds of miles and that’s no small matter. Aircraft like the SU-25 only have a range of 560 miles, roughly 900 kilometers. The JASSM could push them so far back that they become unusable as they can’t carry enough fuel! The MIG-25 might be able to make it, just barely, but there will be no range left for any combat. Even the SU-34 will have to fly lots of extra distance in order to keep far enough back and all that extra flight time comes at a serious cost to tempo and aircraft availability.

    The JASSM is no small thing, don’t underestimate what will happen when it shows up.

  • Listen, Musk is an asshole who has created large problems at Xitter. There is absolutely no debate on that.

    HOWEVER I have to wonder if most of the people cheering what’s happening in Brazil actually know what’s going on?

    Did you know that one single Judge has been given the power the censor the Internet? Do you know that no justification needs to be released to the public about WHY a person, account, or post is being censored, removed, or banned? Do you know that this Judge actually banned Apple and Google from distributing any VPN Software before they were forced to change the order due to public outcry? Do you know that the fines this Judge is issuing have no basis in the law?

    Even prominent Brazilian Attorneys, like Thiago Amparo, who previously supported this Judge and their work are now saying that it’s going too far.

    Brazil now has an Internet Censor who obviously doesn’t understand the technology who is issuing censorship orders that require no justification and to the surprise of no one his orders are helpful almost entirely to the current President specifically and the ruling party in general.

    Here’s an archive link to the New York Times giving more details.

    So yeah, screw Musk but also screw whatever unholy state censorship is going on down in Brazil too.