All good possible points, but only one person in this thread can answer what the number basis is, so who knows.
If you read the comments, it’s actually not. Inflation alone doesn’t account for pinning wages near $30, so that’s not really a good explanation given that it’s nonfactual. Even if he’s considering the living wage instead of historical minimums, $30 is still about 30% higher than what an average living wage would be. Is there some other consideration he has that I’m missing? I wouldn’t know without asking due to an unfortunate lack of psychic powers.
Anyways, sorry I asked for the policy reasoning behind a policy position. It clearly offended many, I realize my mistake, and won’t bring that kind of nonsense around here again.
I understand your sentiment, but if that’s your policy basis, you’d be asking for $10/hr instead of $15.
Not necessarily a bad idea, I just wanted to know how that number was generated, because without that data, it’s not necessarily a good idea either.
What’s the basis for $30/hr? First time seeing that number in the wild.
Y’all really making this Reddit with less content. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Proper soundcheck + mic 2 and I’ve never had more than 15 seconds of dead time in past 10 years.
I live overseas, and we’ve all been talking about the massive provoting presence there is this year. Can’t think of the last video I watched with ads that didn’t ask me to vote.
more like Hitler than Donald “finish the job” Trump?
Added full name for clarity.
Do you still get a purple heart of a squad mate loses it and tosses a grenade into your tent? Because the Butler situation definitely seems more analogous to that.
At least according to a decent number of his conspiratorial followers.
Tracks considering earlier reporting that Trump let COVID smoulder in the early stages. His team thought it would only hurt blue states, something they could later blame the governors for. Guy literally kills people to win.
Can’t not read that in Comic Book Guy’s voice.
At least most of them seemed to be from the leaded gas generation ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Looks for library in current country. Nope.
Watched the clip before hitting the comments and this is 100% accurate. Not to kink shame, but rejecting the evidence of your eyes and ears isn’t one of mine.
Got curious as to what he’s up to nowadays. Guess he died.
I’ll never forgive you.
Nice breakdown. And I agree that the better solution would be to figure out which metric to tie minimum wage to. I don’t really think throwing out a number every few years like the original reply I was responding to suggested is helpful. But it seems wildly popular here.