Quak, Quak, quuaakk

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023


  • That has to do with fuckery around the term recycling. What normal people have been led to believe is only a very narrow definition of recycling and not what happens in most cases. Burning plastic is considered recycling as the waste is recycled into fuel.

    Same with renewable energy… sure the trees you chip down and burn can be regrown… but that is not what people are led to believe is what they are being sold.

    This is not on the local municipalities. They where saddled with waste and had to deal with it, they did as good as they could. And many people have been yelling about this since before 2000… It was just ignored untill microplastic where found in the balls and brain.

    This along with big oil needs to be dragged infront of a tribunal and higher-ups from the last 40 years need to be held to account. We have room in the Hague.

  • No no… there is also de-regulate.

    Vance explicitly said it in his “let grandpa and grandma help out” speech.

    He suggested that “you should not need a 6 year degree to open a daycare”… Which you dont. He also referred to “resources wasted on childcare”.

    So his message to parents is “we will lower the quality” and thinks people in childcare “jobs” could serve the economy better if they do other things while the retired post menstrual women should watch the kids.

    He is… a ghoul.

  • I asked you WHY… and you still have not answered. But at the same time attacked the tone of the message.

    And if your viewpoint ignores Personal rights in favor of corporations stomping all over them you are by extension pro corp. It’s your words not mine. But sure.

    Go ahead and block me… as I can’t imagine any proper answer on WHY this behavior by schools and companies should be acceptable will ever come.

    Edit: “it happened to me so it must be acceptable”… Is some Stockholm level stuff you should maybe discuss with a professional. It’s the underlying reason abused kids become abusers.