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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2024


  • If we’re doing Wikipedia as the sole citation then:

    In 1806, Webster published his first dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. By 1807, he began work on a more extensive dictionary, An American Dictionary of the English Language, which took twenty-six years to complete. To evaluate the etymology of words, Webster learned twenty-eight languages, including Old English, Gothic, German, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Welsh, Russian, Hebrew, Aramaic, Persian, Arabic, and Sanskrit. His goal was to standardize American English, which varied widely across the country. They also spelled, pronounced, and used English words differently.


    As time went on, Webster changed the spellings in the book to more phonetic ones. Most of them already existed as alternative spellings.[34] He chose spellings such as defense, color, and traveler, and changed the re to er in words such as center. He also changed tongue to the older spelling tung, but this did not catch on.

    Furthermore your quote doesn’t actually have a relevant citation:

    He was very influential in popularizing certain spellings in the United States, but he did not originate them. Rather […] he chose already existing options such as center, color and check for the simplicity, analogy or etymology”

    Though in context of the previous paragraph seems to imply that this was an opinion that the wikipedia article came to simply because there was a previous work that argued specifically for ‘or’ in place of ‘our’ but again, it appears to simply be their opinion based on an assumption.

  • This is true. If you have DMARC and your RUA set up (with a working email (or one that doesn’t bounce at least)) along with SPF and DKIM, Google and MS will accept your mail. The only time it won’t at that point is if your IP is in the same /24 as a known spammer but so long as the spam stops, you’ll fall off the list. Some of the common spamlists allow you to request your IP be removed by request and I can only recall one list that almost nobody uses that makes you pay for the removal though there may be more I don’t recall.

  • Nah, Webster really did drop the ‘u’ and changed a lot of spelling. He also learned a lot of languages since back then there were many, many different languages/dialects in America at the time and he wanted to make it easier as he changed spellings, such as swapping ‘re’ to ‘er’ for phonetics. There was also a lot of anti-British sentiment at the time of course which certainly would have motivated acceptance.

    Webster is definitely also credited for this in histories and not newspapers outside of anecdotes.

  • The unnamed man got lost and found himself without phone signal after being left by colleagues who went ahead without him, the Chaffee County Search and Rescue team said.

    In their statement, officials said the hiker was left to reach the summit on his own at about 11:30 local time (17:30 GMT).

    From another article:

    “In what might cause some awkward encounters at the office in the coming days and weeks, one member of their party was left to complete his final summit push alone,” search and rescue officials said.

    They left him behind.

    In response to him “not listening” about being on the wrong trail:

    Shortly after sending them a second message, a strong storm passed through the area, bringing “high winds and freezing rain” and leaving him without a signal.

    From the other article:

    The abandoned hiker finally reached the correct trail around 3:30 p.m. and texted his coworkers that he was back on course when a strong storm passed through the area with freezing rains and high winds, pushing him back off course and causing him to lose his cell phone signal, search and rescue officials said.

  • The drivers work for Battle-Tested Strategies out of Amazon DAX-8 in Palmdale. Battle-Tested Strategies owns/leases all the delivery vans. Amazon doesn’t own Battle-Tested Strategies but is the actual contractor for Amazon.

    Just over a year ago Battle-Tested Strategies recognized that their drivers are a part of the Teamster’s union. Then last summer Amazon essentially let go all of the union drivers.

    The NRLB ruled that both Amazon and Battle-Tested Strategies are joint employers of those drivers. This means that not only can the Teamsters directly negotiate with Amazon for a binding bargaining agreement, then Amazon may be liable if they violated laws in regard to stuff like union busting and retaliation.

    Here’s an article from last summer about what happened that kicked this off.

  • Guest wifi does not mean it is unsecure, it is simply just another logical network. Sure amazon could equip their trucks with wifi I suppose and maybe some TVs would have good connection to update fast enough while a truck is there without a lot of tcp retransmits due to lack of efficient lack of penetration but that’s not going effect all brands and surely it isn’t something that is currently happening in a large effect.

    You could talk about hypotheticals in the future sure but they aren’t going to scan for these magical “network ports” that are just hanging around the ether. It needs to have a connection and one that is reasonable in quality and time.

  • The problem is that even if everybody started fucking now, it wouldn’t change the fact that many countries including China are on pace to not be able to even maintain their current GDP in the 2030’s and other than doing something to replace human labor (bringing people in or automation) to maintain or increase their GDP, there is nothing else they can do. It is too late.

    Everyone is in trouble here but some are worse off than others. Especially when they’re going to have to figure out what to do with people that will be aging out of the workforce.