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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Don’t confuse Israelis with all Jews, especially not with the ones that got genocided.

    Never forget that actual Holocaust Survivors have been deemed antisemitic by Israelis for comparing some of the actions of Israel with those of the Nazis.

    More broadly only a handful of people who were directly affected by the Holocaust still live, of which only a fraction in Israel, none of which are the ones doing this (if only because they’re too old) or in Government. In fact the majority of the families in Israel were never affected by the Holocaust even indirectly because most come from elsewhere than Western Europe, a large fraction of whom from Russia.

    There is no such thing as a “Jewish Hive Mind” (or whatever the magical thing that would be necessary for every member of the Jewish Religion to share the actual trauma lived by some) which means that the vast majority of these murdering ethno-Fascist psychopaths have no real relation to the Holocaust other than sharing a religious affiliation with the biggest group of victims of it, a distant and entirely “in paper only” link.

    So it’s not at all surprising that people who have never actually experienced the trauma of being victimized in that way but grew up immersed in the kind of racist indoctrination that tells them they’re part of a “chosen people” and hence inherently special themselves, unlike other people, especially the ones being oppressed in their name who they are told are “violent” and even “human animals”, would do such a thing to those other people: in fact the surprise is how long it took the rest of us to discover how much of it they were already doing and discover the true depth of their depravity.

  • That’s because his talk doesn’t match his walk.

    You know how Trump just shamelessly lies as easily as he breaths? Well Biden also massively lies, he’s just far more sophisticated at it than Trump (hardly a tall barrier, lets be honest) hence less obvious at it yet in the end you still see his the actual actions or the end result of them (when the deceit technique is to pass know impossible measures or just half of what’s needed and not the other requires half so those measures don’t actually do what it says on the tin) not matching his words.

    Let’s hope Kamala is much less of a liar.

  • Well, it’s like this: games are not made by just one person and whilst it seems their art direction for this game is competent, it also seems their game design is not.

    Maybe it’s something to do with the MBA CxOs of many of these “top” game makers nowadays neither being nor ever having been gamers, but they can, just like most people, look at something and think it’s pretty (or not), with the end result that they’re putting more money into and hiring better people on that which they can judge - the visual side of things - rather than on that which they cannot - the gameplay side of things.

    Further, nowadays it still does make a difference for sales how good the game looks on the pictures and short videos customers see on whichever online stores they use to buy their game, something that also pushes towards focusing on looks more than the rest, especially for Marketing-driven business strategies, such as the ones said MBAs have been taught to use.

  • New Labour politicians have a massive debt to Israeli-linked Jewish Groups in the UK for the Anti-Semitism slander campaign against Corbyn and the Labour Party during his leadership that lost Labour an election and brought him down as leader of the party to be replaced by a New Labour leader (who promptly started a pogrom against Leftwingers in the party).

    Of course, as is tradition in England (and because in the recent elections they lost 10 Parliament seats to people who campaigned as independents exactly because of New Labour’s pro-Zionist “No Genocide is too great” policies), they’re doing a bit public opinion management with a loudly announced measure that de facto does nothing.

    If there’s one thing that over a decade of living in Britain has taught me was to always look behind the curtain when it comes to grand very public gestures by the local politicians, the more the noise they make about their “great measure” the more the need to dig out the part of the story they’re not telling people about.

  • Your whole post that started this thread is:

    absolutely love how tankies in here are somehow turning this around to be Israels fault

    So just now you outright lied when your wrote:

    I just stated neutrally that “Hamas killing civillians is Bad and none other than Hamas’ fault.”

    Further, a person with a bunch of flags on their profile (for the record and in case you change it the flags are of Ukranie, EU, Taiwan and Israel) claiming they’re not about “teams” is either a ridiculously self-deluded person or a shameless liar. People don’t go around parading their favorite nations or blocks of nations when they’re not into supporting “teams”.

  • I’m pretty sure there will be some who will refuse to vote or vote for an independent, hence not voting for Israel to commit Genocide. It’s likely that some of those have come to believe that China too is commiting a Genocide.

    I doubt it be a majority or even a significant minority, but there really is no physical or psychological reason that out of 240 million or so Americans of voting age there aren’t some who fullfil all of those criteria you claim to be impossible to find together.

    I think you’re seeing some louder individuals commenting on political comments sections on the internet who talk about the “Chinese Genocide” and who talk about people having a duty to “vote Democrat to stop Trump” (hence de facto voting for Israel to commit genocide) and you think “they’re all like data” whilst not noticing that lots of people make one kind of comment or the other kind of comment but not both.

    (This is actual quite a common perceptual flaw for humans and why Science has such strict rules when conducting experiments: people tend to notice that which confirms what they already believe also tend to notice when something happens but NOT notice when something does not happen).

    Mind you, if you had said “most people” I would tend to agree with you, but you instead used a word which means 100% of people (“anyone”) and claims about people are almost never true for 100% or 0% of individuals in a large enough group.

  • You assumed wrong.

    My position on the Uyghurs in China is “I don’t know for sure because the information space about this in the West is too poluted by propaganda”. That is neither a “Yes”, nor a “No”, it’s a “I’m not well informed enough to judge”.

    (It’s funny because I’m a member of a small Leftwing party in my own country and during voting in the National Conference was one of the few people who would actually Abstrain on some votes - rather than always Approve or Deny - because I avoid taking a stand if I feel I don’t know enough to have an informed opinion).

    Mind you, I would like a proper and impartial Human Rights Court investigation on this to clear all the bullshit flying around and IF it is a Genocide, for it to be stopped and the guilty parts punished.

  • It’s a very traditional Fascist technique (not only theirs but, damn, they do love it), to deem criticism of their actions to be motivated by the critics supporting an “enemy” side.

    I’m not certain if that’s because they’re intellectually or emotionally unable to conceive that people can judge words and actions without putting “side” as the top criteria and hence will criticize equally what they see as wrong and point out relentless lying from specifc actors independently of “side”, if that’s because that’s just the kind of argumentation Fascists get indoctrinated/teached to use, or both.

    There is no inconsistency in their posture towards Russia and their posture towards Israel for somebody unable to conceive of any judgement criteria more important than “what is their side”, since for them tribe is more important than everything and thus excuses everything, even mass murder of chidren.

    Unsusprisingly, Zionist arguments are incredibly similar to the ones from the Nazis, including this beautiful example I commented on in my previous post, were the critics were deemed to be Communists, EXACTLY LIKE THE NAZIS used to do.

  • You’re the one spouting tribalist shit - clearly you see Zionists as “your” people.

    Tribalists always think those who are against the actions of “their” group or do not trust the words from the leaders of "their"group must do so because they support some “other”, enemy people - a posture you consistently displayed in the way you tried “othering” critics of your favorite mass murderers on your first post by accusing them of being Authoritarian Communists and are trying to do the same to me on this post by implying I support Hamas.

    Either you’re too limited in your humanity to be aware that normal human beings generally hold Humanist Principles which are independent of tribe (such as “though shall not mass murder people because of their ethnicity”) and hence their criticism is based on the character the words and actions of those they criticise (rather than be like you and put “side” above everything else including one’s humanity), or you’re just too lazy and repeatedly use the very old, very traditional Fascist “line of attack” (especially beloved of ethno-Facists such as Nazis and Zionists) of accusing critics of being part of some “out group” which the Fascists deem an enemy.

  • Personally I replaced my TV Box with a Intel N100 Mini-PC (specifically a GMTek G3) running Lubuntu and Kodi, though it’s used for a lot more than just being my TV box. I also got one of these remotes so I control it just like I would a dedicate TV Box (even though it has a mini-keyboard on the back and airmouse functionality, I almost never use it).

    I use IPTV with it to watch just the free TV Channels, though there are providers out there who carry over 1000 channels for 5 bucks a month.

    If you want something to just use as TV Box, start by checking Libreelec which is a Linux distro with Kodi configured to just work as a TV Box. It has builds for a whole lot of single board computers, which generally are cheaper than Mini-PCs (for example you can get a Banana Pi M5 - one of the supported SBCs - plus box, powersource and even the SD card for about half the price of the Mini-PC I got). The same remote I use should work fine with Libreelect on any platform which has at least one USB connector (not tested it myself but it makes sense since it uses the same kind of protocol and dongle as a wireless keyboard + mouse with pressing the “normal” remote buttons just generating keypresses according to some kind of standard of shortcut keys for media players)

    Had I’ve been aiming for just a TV Box replacement I would’ve probably gone via checking which hardware Libreelec is compatible with and then chosen one of those and used the Libreelec since it’s a Linux distro already preconfigures for acting as a proper TV Box (whilst with Lubuntu with Kodi on top I had to go around figuring out and changing the configuration for auto-login, auto-starting Kodi on startup and so on)