It’s not worth shipping and handling, it’s beaten up, and I don’t know anybody who wants it. Nothing is upgradeable, unless you count inserting a microSD card.

Of course I could use it as a janky media server or a dumb SSH terminal, but I’ve already got other machines for those jobs. Or I could recycle it, but what’s the fun in that? Suggest me your wackiest programs to try, dangerous distros, or most unorthodox setups to make use of it.

    29 days ago

    Assuming it’s not completely useless for this purpose, you could load FreeDOS on it and use it for playing older PC games.

    MS-DOS 6.22 would be sub-optimal as it was designed with 486-era and older hardware in mind and since it doesn’t support FAT32 and only supports FAT16, you’re limited to 2GB partitions, while FreeDOS is actually designed with newer hardware like this in mind and supports FAT32 and thus larger drives.