• surph_ninja@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    By what measure? If we’re including the Soviet Union’s efforts during WW2, along with the fight in Ukraine, Russia has literally killed more Nazis than any country in history.

    • Adm_Drummer@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      By the Soviet Union’s efforts you mean Ukraine’s efforts under the soviet banner right?

      T-34 Designed by a Ukrainian.

      Major eastern offensive performed by over a million ukrainian conscripts.

      Soviet forces being composed of over 4.5 Million Ukrainians with nearly 1 Million additional Ukrainian partisans against the Nazis? Largely outnumbering the pitiful 250,000 Ukrainian supporters of the Nazis.

      I’d also remind you that these are the accomplishments of a United Soviet Union held together by the suffering of satellite states like Ukraine. Not the efforts of the withering shadow of a cumstain that remains known as Russia.

        • Adm_Drummer@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          I think Ukrainians are erecting statues of people who fought for their liberation. We can villainise them from the outside and one day a more progressive Ukraine will be able to speak to that more.

          As of right now, Russian aggression prevents Ukraine from being able to move forward and discuss their bloody history because their present is still bloody thanks to Russia.

            • Adm_Drummer@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              You’re so focused on one goddamn aspect of Ukrainian history you can’t look past the Red and Gold tinted glasses.

              Who created the conditions which allowed Ukrainian Nazis to come to power? Who created the conditions that lead to people taking up arms against the soviets? Who created the conditions that forced the Ukrainian people of the 1940s to idolise bad people? Who created the conditions today that have prevented spiritual healing in Ukraine necessary to look introspectively at their history and heroes?

              Why would a nation perpetually at war with an asshole neighbour be drawn to idolising isolationist and xenophobic leaders?

              Do you stop to think before your fingers type out the most braindead, fox news pundit, podcast clippable bullshit or do you just lack the ability to understand Cause and Effect?

              Do you understand why a nation at war for three centuries might idolise war criminals?

              Do you understand why freedom fighters are labeled terrorists?

              Do you understand what it means to fight for survival by any means necessary?

              I don’t think you understand how horrifying nation building is. How bloody and disgusting the history of the world can be. Every single hero you can name did horrible. Horrible things in the name of their cause.

              This is not a justification of Nazi ideals. This is a lesson on how downtrodden people will cling to any ideology possible if it means living to see tomorrow. Especially when the alternative is famine, rape and slaughter.

              Once these conditions are solved, Ukraine can start to heal.

              You fail at a fundamental level to understand any sort of subtlety beyond “But… but muh statues.” Shut the fuck up. You probably live in a nation still erecting statues of people who fought against their own government and you likely make the “states rights” argument anytime that’s brought up. Where’s your outrage for civil rights abuses in your own nation?