Besides Libre Office, what other programs/solutions exist in the Linux world for writers?

(Please, don’t suggest VIM. After all the memes and comments I’ve read, I’ve come to dread it).

I like writing but the standard Writer tends to send me in a constant formatting spree.

I want to get back to writing regularly and something that could help me stay focused and somewhat organized would be nice.

    10 months ago

    If I could find a prompt that I could pre set the font, layout of the final work, and then have the program leave me alone, it would be perfect.

    You’re describing a workflow using TeX or LaTeX, like typesetters for publisher’s use. I don’t have a specific recommendation, but in your shoes, I’d look for a CLI text editor (to avoid distractions) that supports word wrapping and do your actual formatting and typesetting totally separately from your writing with LaTeX.