• AVincentInSpace@pawb.social
    3 days ago

    “The reason not as many people got mad at Spiderverse is not because they created a new character with his own story that isn’t tied to Peter Parker’s in any way, instead of just painting Peter Parker black and leaving everything else the same, but because the racism machine malfunctioned that day.”

    Oh my god, fuck you.

    Sure, some conservative grifters are going to get mad when they see a black person no matter what. But the fact that a lot more people, including many self-professed libs, got mad at Ariel should probably tell you that the fact that those grifters exist doesn’t mean that everyone who dislikes it when characters are race swapped is a conservative who just flies into a rage whenever they see a black person.

    I’m not sure whether you’re trolling or not, and at this point I don’t care. This conversation can serve no purpose anymore.

    • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      If what you wrote is actually what you think I said, there is no purpose in continuing, because you are just making up shit, and ascribing it to me. No where did I say that literally everyone who didn’t like a thing was a conservative, racist. The meme shows very plain examples where the fore-front rage was the swap. While literally ignorinf whitewashing. I made my argument on that. You had to cherry pick from a minority of options to make your comment. Then You fabricated something I did not say, to claim the “win”, and leave, in righteous indignation.

      I feel like this is a thing. I feel like this might be a very well known type of bad argument. Like some sort of fallacious logic, or something. Go ahead an continue to tell yourself, whatever you need to, to claim that the race swapping anger isn’t rooted racism. Have fun.

      • AVincentInSpace@pawb.social
        1 day ago

        You don’t think everyone who gets mad at race swapping is racist, but when I point out examples of people liking one thing that was race swapped white to black but not another, and present an argument for why, and another argument regarding why no one got mad at the first three items in the meme, you don’t even address them. You simply refuse to accept any explanation besides racism and accuse me of cherry-picking.

        Is racism present? Sure. Is it the primary driving force you’re making it out to be? Fuck no.

        If all you want is to be mad, then just say that. No one’s stopping you.

        • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.world
          6 hours ago

          If the reason people were mad about aeriel had more to do with it being a bad movie, just another example of disney remaking shit, then why was the dialogue so far on the side of the race swap, that it drowned out all other possible complaints, to the point that they were rarely brought up, except as a reaction to being called racist?

          Yes, pointing to one example, where the thing didn’t happen, is cherry picking. There will always be exceptions. You need to establish a strong pattern of behavior, over time, one common enough to be a counter weight. There very much is a long history, with a strong pattern, of whitewashing being shrugged off by the same general crowd whining about race/gender swaps away from the white normative. However the opposite is far less common.

          I didn’t address the first three items in the meme because the community that does, in fact, know better, was the community most angry about the race swap away from white/male characters, and largely silent about these example. From the local comic/gaming shop, to the online fora, to the indy media focused on the subject, there was a barrage of hate towards things being shifted away from white, near silence on whitewashing, and lots of bad faith arguments like “but what if panther white?” to the point where it made valid criticism of these media a distant second, at best, talking point, and, as I previously stated, became the major talking point, in any given conversation, when people pointed to the racism in the reaction. I had already touched on that.

          Also, as a side note, I find it weird that you point to liberals, also doing things, as some defense against it being racist. There are plenty of liberal minded people, with BLM signs in their yards, that call the police the moment they see a black guy, they don’t know, walking in their neighborhood.

          No I don’t think everyone who has lodged a complaint about making a charater another race/gender/sexuality is a bigot for it. There is a discussion to be had about the negative impacts of things like rainbow capitalism. However, outside of predominently leftist spaces, that is rarely the conversation. When a movie comes out, that has a minority swap, in general spaces, for the communities of fans of the material, the zeitgeist of those topics is large reactionary, racist, anger.

          Are there reasons to be critical of this type of thing, that isn’t bigoted at the roots? Sure. Are non-bigoted arguments against it, the primary ones being brought forth by the fan communities? Fuck no.

          If all you want is to not think about the bad aspects of the things you like, just say that. No one is stopping you.