Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine. Unleash deadly abilities and devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid swarms. Defend the Imperium in spectacular third-person action in solo or multiplayer modes.
or is it? those people working on that game pay taxes at home, being residents of russia, they send money to their families even while living abroad, their families buy products and pay those taxes again, and those taxes are used to fund what? killing us, Ukrainians.
stop advertising russian games
The Russian government had nothing to do with this game.
Cool, so, still not the Russian government.
or is it? those people working on that game pay taxes at home, being residents of russia, they send money to their families even while living abroad, their families buy products and pay those taxes again, and those taxes are used to fund what? killing us, Ukrainians.
They have as much power over that as I do over my government selling bombs to Israel so they can blow up thousands of Palestinian children. Zero.