• AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Imagine having this much hostility towards the future.

    It’s like the last of the boomers is sitting in some silo somewhere waiting to nuke the Earth on their way out the door and the rest of them know it.

    They not only don’t want to plant trees they’ll never get sit under, they want to burn the forest down out of spite because they don’t get to personally live forever to enjoy it.

    • Fredselfish@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I actually know a Lot of boomers who feel just that way. My dad is one he thinks its their right to destroy the environment because they can’t live forever.

      Then you have the christian nuts who want to destroy it so that jesus will return.

      But most boomers want take the money with them and leave nothing to future generations. Hell they do want to burn it all down and they destroy the American dream out of greed.

      The me generation that only want them to have it all.