At visiting my parent’s this holiday weekend I tired to gently tell my parents that their coffee brew is very bitter. The response I get back is something like, " I like it strong."

I wasn’t too sure how to respond, but then they told me my coffee is to watery. 🤔 I told them it’s not that is watery, but it’s a light roast and not bitter tasting.

So my question is how do you convince someone that bitter coffee is not good coffee? I might bring my scale next time to help measure and perfect the coffee brew there. Maybe even see about cleaning their been grinder, which I think has never been cleaned.

Oh well.

Update: Thanks for all the tips and thoughts. I agree with basically everything posted here and sorry no butter (I fixed the title)

    10 months ago

    Imagine my disappointment when the story didn’t involve butter.

    If I’m reading this coffee compass correctly, bitter can be caused by over extraction. The solution would be to extract less, which can be done by using more coffee.

    There are lots of variables. The coffee itself, the grind (lots of fines?), the brewing method, etc.

    I agree with others, though. If they like their coffee, let them enjoy it.