Israeli jailers would wrap Palestinian prisoners in shrouds and bury them alive.
As they began to suffocate, just before death took hold, a small amount of air was allowed in to keep them alive, only for the process to be repeated moments later.
Abukhater said the torture began the moment they were detained and continued until the very last moment before their release.
“Our hands and feet were shackled, and they struck us with frozen water bottles and bottles filled with olives,” he added.
“There, the soldiers urinated in a container and then poured it over our faces and bodies.”
Mostly pacifist faith?! My friend, the abramic religions, with the exception of a few small cults within them, have been warrior religions, from inception. Jesus maybe tried to change that but even warned his teachings would turn brother against brother.
My friend I think you are uneducated or over confident in your knowledge of Abrahamic faiths. Let me start with Judaism. How is it a warrior religion when (atleast original Judaism) until 20th century was a peaceful religion. Ironically of what you said, Christianity is the least connected to a real person or a real idea. The religion was pseudo dead for 300 years after jesus died until the Romans appropriated it and turned into an imperial religion.
Uh, the invasion of Canaan for starter. I’m not dissing Israelis. This is pretty factual. We don’t even know a single historical Jesus existed. We do know the Messiah isn’t supposed to present while Israel is a nation not in exile. But I’m just a beginner at kabbalah, and that’s irrelevant anyway. I’m talking historical fact. While Jericho and slaves building pyramids probably never happened, Israel invading Canaan probably did.
Anyway, I’m not arguing what we “know” right now. If the data changes, I’m so there with it. I wish you peace.
Look I’m pro Pali so this isn’t me coming from a political but rather a historical view. First and foremost. Judaism was a religion passed by language for generations before being written down, think how insane a game of Chinese whispers like that would go? Theyre book is pretty barbaric in the amolek stuff but actual physical data goes against any proof of any genocide or walls of Jericho falling down.
I am dissing Israelis tho, judaism was hijacked by a bunch of upper class elitist Ashkenazi Jews who weren’t being accepted into white bourgeoisie society so they wanted their own ethnostate with a little inspiration from European colonisation. Even Hebrew was a dead language being “revived” by Frankensteining modern and old Arabic into the new Hebrew language.
You are right, no proof on jesus or even abraham, and mohammed having any sort of connection to either of those two beings seems laughable (as an ex Muslim). It’s all an absolute joke but you look through Judaism entire history before 1850, they have never ever been a warrior people. Even the ethno religion is bogus since those born to Jews must do things to prove their faith as a Jew (I really respect even if that practice is both part dead part corrupted)
Christianity was also hijacked 300 years after jesus died by Constantine who all Christians have a boner for. Turned a peaceful religion into the apparatus of imperial power, more than Hellenism could have ever brought.
Of the three Abrahamic faiths only islam was a warrior religion and that mostly comes down to arabia being under the boot of that at moment two very weak and broken empires